Sustainability at Mitsu Chem

Driving Innovation
and Growth,

Since our Company’s inception, we have focussed on harnessing our maximum potential, while diversifying our offerings. We nurture social well-being by operating without disturbing the environment. As one of the leading manufacturers in variety of plastic components, we try to reduce our carbon footprints on the environment. In this direction, we installed energy-efficient equipments across manufacturing levels and brought in additions to ourmechanical processes, also helping us attain operational excellence.

 At Mitsu, we believe a path led by the core idea of sustainability acts as a game changer for businesses. Led by this belief, we encourage and follow the ‘Go Green’ initiative persistently. Thus, utilising resources sustainably and providing environment-friendly products. Additionally, basis our innovation and farsightedness, we strive to stay ahead of competition and ensure relevance of our offerings at all times. Our road map encompasses all of these aspects and emphasises on maintaining business stability & sustainable growth, creating value for/within our stakeholders’ best interest. Thus, driving innovation & growth, sustainably, backed by value-creation and excellence.


Rain Water Harvesting:

Rainwater collection system is followed by the Company to collect rainwater
and feed into cooling tower tank during rainy season.

Rain water harvesting is a step towards environmental conservation, wherein rain water is collected from surfaces of buildings, stored, and reused later for various need.

As the demand for processed water supply have increased massively with the rise in population, rainwater harvesting serves as a major source of acquiring fresh water.

Moreover, it requires lower costs and is environmentally sustainable. Even the cost for installation and maintenance of a rain water harvesting system is highly economical, given its various benefits. We engage in promoting environmental conservation by undertaking such sustainable measures. The collected rainwater thereon, is used to meet

Mitsu’s secondary purposes/activities at the workplace. It can also be used for portable and non-portable purposes, for fulfilling commercial as well as idustrial needs. Besides, it contributes towards mitigating the prevailing water crises, alleviating non-point source pollutant loads and even helps in controlling the adverse effects of climate change impact.Thus, playing a crucial role in water management.


  • Contributes in  conserving/maintaining levels of underground water
  • Cost of recharging subsurface aquifer is lower than surface reservoirs

Social And Governance

Embedding ESG and sustainability principles throughout the operation. process, and the business systems at large is central to Mitsu’s endeavors, aimed at being admirable stewards of clients.

The company is driven by the desire to act responsibly and bring positive change to its surroundings.

A changing economic landscape, powered by technology, has brought significant transformations around the world.

It emphasised that some form of intersection between society, companies, investors, and governments is crucial to perpetuating economic stability and success.


Energy Conservation:

We are committed to making a material impact on the environment and society by reducing businesses’ carbon footprints. In this direction, Mitsu undertook preventive steps to identify and address areas, supporting the Company’s vision.

In this direction, Mitsu undertook
preventive steps to identify and
address areas, supporting the
Company’s vision.

Following are some of the initiatives that the company undertook to fulfill it’s organizational.

  • Installation of energy-efficient equipment and technological equipment to save energy
  • Addition of a controller to the machine, to switch-off automatically during idle load, which saves power consumption
  • Installed harmonic filter for reducing the power factor and conversion


The company recognises the need to transform and adapt to changes around it for a better and more sustainable tomorrow. With increased focus on going green, companies are striving to choose sustainable means, offering environmentally friendly products to their consumers as much as they can.

In this direction, Mitsu endeavors to reduce its overall contribution to waste generation. The company uses post-consumer resin, a plastic that has already been recycled and is being repurposed for making it.ready-to-use again.

The company also has a reduce and reuse mechanism that helps in reusing the raw materials lost during operations. For instance, during the molding process, tons of pinch-off or in-house rejection is generated. which gets reused through grinding.

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Zero-Liquid Discharge

The Company measures its relevance by the value it creates for the environment. Therefore, it uses septic tank for sewage wastewater, wherein, the water, is further utilised for gardening. Thus, reducing the business’ dependence on fresh water.

To encourage green environment, on Women Day, we inaugurated Green House on the terrace of our Unit II factory for farming. 

Mitsuchem’s tree plantation drive was a great initiative towards creating a greener environment, and it was heartening to see the employees’ active participation and enthusiasm towards the cause.